A mainspring used as a source to power a drive source is formed from a special titanium alloy and has an S shape when freely spread out, wherein the inflection point at which the curving direction of the freely spread-out shape changes is formed farther inward than the midpoint of an inner end at the end of the winding side and an outer end at the end opposite the inner end. The titanium alloy constituting the present invention has high tensile stress and a low average Young's modulus, making it possible to increase the mechanical energy accumulated in the mainspring。
这种钛合金主要由钛、锆、铪、钪组成,并有少量的碳、铬、钼、锰、铁、钴、镍、铝、氮及氧元素。它的杨氏模量小于60 GPa拉伸强度在1000 MPa以上。
个人经验:Spring Drive的发条没有适合的卷条器不要拆,手卷损伤的几率很高。
聒噪几句:不做工程师已有10多年,但工程师思维每每还占上风。机械是有规有矩的,艺术是天马行空的,而钟表却能把这两者有机地结成一体,这就是我们乐此不彼的原因所在。大家本着轻松的心情,艺术的眼光,机械的原则、求是的态度玩表、上网交流,娱乐性和知识性兼备,论坛才好玩。 |