......7**连的GTG落下了帷幕,大家兴趣盎然的余温未尽之时,7月31日在上海举行FPJ交流会又在紧锣密鼓筹集着。。。。。这使我回想起2008年5月中旬在新浪网的一帖子中明确的记载着钟表,最早是起源于我们中国而不是西欧。。。。这也同时证明着我们的国家上下五千年的历史文化的悠久和进化。。。。。机械钟表起源于中国(2008-05-07 00:02:46): q/ [ u& V( g# i4 e, |6 |' Y6 a
6 {9 U( V M7 `9 b: V o/ M9 ]The mechanical clock came from China.
# u; b0 t/ c8 C5 Q: G2 J
) A! I& u2 C+ Y! x) `- F这句话真让人吃惊:机械钟表源于中国?怎么不知道呢?印象之中,电影电视里,西方的传教士把钟表作为礼物向中国的皇帝进贡,和珅还贪污了不少呢,没错吧?而且,故宫奉先殿里陈列着皇宫收藏的各式各样精美的钟表,琳琅满目,华丽多彩,其中不少来自英国、法国、瑞士、日本等国。想象中一道靓丽的风景便是,在皇宫的每个角落几乎都摆放着钟表,滴答、滴答的钟鸣声响彻整个紫禁城。
`1 E5 s+ Y8 L0 N. Y: W4 Z0 Q4 P+ g4 I, j
带着Where did the mechanical clock came from?这个问题,问了身边的几位朋友,他们的回答都印证了我们固有的思维定势:机械钟表起源于欧洲。
) k5 i* S; `6 \/ Y0 M# |5 M0 V+ {
4 j. |; S% k5 ^: u5 j" Y! gThe mechanical clock came from China这句话源于犬子的一本英语读物,是剑桥出版的啊!老外不会奉承中国人的,他们在骨子里就没有那么善良。于是,在大不列颠百科全书网站查到这样一个事实:The Chinese designed the very first mechanical clock in 700 A.D. 然后,还找到了以下的一些facts:
2 }& M" q" v8 ]: u- k
- s- o& R$ k$ y" iThe first European public clock that struck the hours was erected in Milan in 1335.- Q' `) l- S7 V6 ^
l/ l& \8 W! W, ?, M$ _. C5 T
The oldest surviving clocks are in England (1386) and France (1389).4 m2 \1 i% G0 N% T" n
& g: E: q+ D1 `' fThe first domestic clocks appeared late in the 14th century., j2 I+ s7 ?) u. x N# B' |8 d
1 N, L; E& [; ?
About 1500 Peter Henlein, a German locksmith, began to make the first portable timepieces, small clocks driven by a spring.# Z% Y! K% P# t4 D, |
4 a8 }) E H. C% ~Christiaan Huygens invented pendulum clocks in 1656.0 @9 ? a/ D; j% [# o7 D7 d
6 C& e5 D3 c& b' }' i
Big Ben, the great clock at Westminster in London, was installed in 1859 and is the standard for all accurate tower pendulum clocks.
! X! h: R+ X) ]4 r* ^2 E& w+ g+ m! }% E9 N9 W+ t8 v$ R% p* e# _
The most accurate mechanical timekeepers (within a few thousandths of a second per day) are clocks with short pendulums (about 39 in. [or 990 mm]).) z: F! d7 a9 g+ M& ~1 \
3 O+ Z4 Z/ Y3 d" {6 T( OIn 1929 the vibration of a quartz crystal was first applied to timekeeping; the maximum error of an observatory quartz-crystal clock is only a few ten-thousandths of a second per day.6 |( F2 f* t' J+ B0 J6 j
& j$ N; l* n; b: l6 ^The first atomic clock went into operation in 1951. Atomic clocks, regulated by the natural periodic behaviour of a system of atoms (such as vibrations or emission of radiation), can have accuracies exceeding one billionth of a second per day, making them the most accurate clocks yet invented., b% F7 m5 ?! J- d" W' p
在敲打以上这些文字的时候,真为自己的无知而羞愧,也为中学的历史老师没有告诉我们这一点而遗憾;同时,也为这个伟大的发明源于中国而自豪!我们的祖先真了不起,给我们留下的东西那就让我们这一代表友们去继续发扬、光大吧!预祝7月31日在上海举行FPJ交流会圆满成功!。。。。。2010年7月25日。阿力神剑于长白山寓所 |